Altar Servers
Open to any child who has made his/her First Communion. See Father Wes
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Pastor, with the Archbishop's approval chooses these. They assist with the distribution of Communion at Mass and to the sick.
Music Ministry
Saturday Mass
Sunday 9:30 AM
Offertory Gifts
Everyone is welcome to carry the offertory gifts at all Sunday Masses and on special occasions.
Men, women and young adults proclaim God's Word at all the Masses. If you wish to be a reader, please contact the Parish Office.
Parish social events are meant for everyone. Please come and meet your fellow parishioners.
Parish Visitation Program
Some parishioners regularly visit people of the parish who are confined to their home. If you would like to be part of this visitation program or if you know a parishioner who would appreciate a visit: Contact: Father Wes or Christine
Children's Liturgy
Childrens liturgy: vacant
New Parishioners
You are encouraged to print and complete the registration form you will find in the church entryway and drop it in the collection plate or call Christine in the parish office 613-546-0418.
Education Ministry
Regiopolis Notre Dame 130 Russell Street 613.545.1902
Holy Cross Secondary 1085 Woodbine Rd 613.384.1919
Holy Name Catholic School 370 Kingston Mills Rd 613.542.8611
St Martha's Catholic School 455 St Martha St, 613.544.4050
École catholique cathédrale//Cathedral Catholic School / 301 Johnson 613.546.7555