SINCE 1888
The original mission church of the Holy Name of Jesus was built of logs one mile north of the present church on Highway 15. The area was known as Cushendall or Kingston Mills. Some parishioners recall that their parents and grandparents walked or rode a horse driven sleigh across the Rideau Canal from the Aragon Road, Mount Chesney and Glenburnie area to attend Mass during winter.
The original mission church was built about 1846 and the Reverend Bernard J. Higgins was in charge while he lived at St. Mary's Cathedral.
On June 26, 1886 Edward and Jane Bradden donated land for a church and rectory and construction began shortly after. The stone used to build the church was quarried about one and one-half miles north of Kingston Mills. Church construction began in June 1887 and completed in October 1888 according to the cornerstone. Archbishop Cleary blessed the bell, which was donated by Patrick Dean of Brewers Mills, on June 5, 1899. At the same time the Stations of the Cross were erected.
The mission became a parish in 1896 with the first pastor Reverend J.P. Kehoe who served until 1899 when Reverend J.J. Collins assumed the pastorate. The league of Sacred Heart was established January 7, 1900.
On March 2, 1902, Archbishop C. H. Gauthier blessed the stained glass windows of the church especially commemorating Father Higgins, as the window above the altar was installed in his memory.
The Reverend W.T. Kingsley was pastor of Holy Name Church from 1907 until the year 1924.
On June 14, 1924, Reverend Alexander Fowler was ordained, and was thus the first priestly vocation from the parish.
In 1925 the Catholic Women's League was established.
The Reverend D.A. Casey assumed his role in 1924 and served until 1953 when he retired to St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital due to poor health. Father Casey, during his pastorate, was also the editor of the Canadian Freeman and the Canadian Register in Kingston.
In September 1953, the Reverend Thomas J. Raby was appointed pastor. The Cana Home builders Cooperative organized by Rev. J. P. Ainslie of St. John's Parish, Kingston bought a piece of land close to Holy Name church on which to build homes. Father Raby blessed this land. Father Raby was also assistant editor and feature writer of the Register during his years at Holy Name.
Father Raby was instrumental, during his pastorate, in bringing the Sisters of St. Martha to Kingston Mills to teach at Holy Name School in 1957. A convent was built between the school and church. Mr. Basil Brosso, a member of Holy Name Parish, drew up the plans, designed and supervised the work of the building. Also, many of the parishioners contributed their time and expertise towards this end.
During these years Holy Name Parish became famous for their tremendous Turkey Suppers and Socials which helped to finance projects to improve the church and rectory.
Reverend Justin J. Hanley was appointed pastor in 1969. He saw a new Holy Name School built to accommodate the rapidly growing surrounding area, during his 14 years at Kingston Mills. Father Hanley left his appointment in the year 1983 to go to Trenton.
Father James F. McGarvey succeeded Father Hanley in 1983. During the last year of his pastorate, he oversaw the addition to the church of a fine new entrance and wheelchair ramp. He served Holy Name of Jesus Parish until 1992 and then took up residence within the parish.
Father McGarvey was followed by Father Richard Racine who came to the parish as pastor and Director of Priestly Vocations for the Archdiocese. He served only one year but during that short term he purchased the Convent from the Sisters of St. Martha and moved into that spacious building along with several other young men who were in residence in order to discern a priestly vocation.
Father Richard Whalen arrived in October 1993 to take up pastoral responsibilities and continue the work of vocations promotion and discernment. During the last five years there have been major repairs done to the exterior of the church, the rectory has been fully renovated with the help of parishioners and members of the wider community. The Knights of Columbus was established at the parish in November 1996 and remains a vibrant backbone of support to our priest and parish community.
Father Timothy Shea, born in Kingston, was appointed Pastor and Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese in July 1998.
Making a covenant with the poor became a special Jubilee 2000 project. This sees 5% of the Parish weekly offering shared with the poor.
Father Mark E. Ruckpaul was Associate Pastor until his appointment as Associate Pastor of the parish of St. Peter in Chains, Trenton (effective 10 June 2004).
Rev. Cosmas Ajawara (on loan, to our diocese, from Nigeria) was appointed administrator of Holy Name from 15 July 2008 to 15 July 2009.
Rev. John Gillis was appointed Pastor of the parish of Holy Name of Jesus, Kingston Mills effective 15 July 2009.
Father Wieslaw Chochrek (Fr.Wes) was appointed Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish on 12 July 2011.
2016/ 17 A new synthetic slate roof was installed on the chaurch to compliment the beautiful historic architecture.